Logging in to Vision Anywhere

Important - If you are a Vision 3 user, you must have security access to both Consultation Manager and Appointments in order to log in to Vision Anywhere, see Available Vision Functions and default Access in the Management Tools Help Centre for details.
  1. From your device, select Vision Anywhere .
  2. The first time you login you are prompted to select a country. This information displays above the Sign in screen.
  3. Now carefully enter your user name and password.

    This is your email address which has been recorded in Vision 3 or Organisational Services, and password. If you cannot remember your password, please ask your system administrator to reset your password.

    Note - If you enter the wrong login credentials more than three times, you are locked out of Vision Anywhere. This is regardless of your settings at your practice.
    You should contact your system administrator and ask them to unlock your account .
  4. Select Sign In, Vision Anywhere opens on the Home screen.

Automatic Timeout

For security reasons, Vision Anywhere has an automatic time which is linked to that of your device.

If the app is left inactive you need to re-enter your password.

Vision Anywhere opens on the last viewed page.